To Aya: you were stunning on that evening.. (walaupon aku tau your temporary perm kau buat ngn nina kat saloon dah loose.. ) congratulation to you!!! because at last you have earned this award after a very long journey.. thanks alot for ur help and guidance throughout our friendship. you know what we have gone through together. Really appreciate it. Assalamualaikum,
on this post I am going to reveal a lovely evening I have experienced last week.
Basically it was a ceremony for students whose receiving Dean's List Award in last semester.
I am very thankful coz I am one of them. Alhamdulillah :-)
Korg tgk je lah gambar yg aku upload..
malas nk edit sgt..
biase2 je gambar tu :-)
Mesmerizing MiMi, Luvly AyA, Cutie Nina, Brilliant Azmir (we were frm same batch.. except they were all have graduated.. myself? not yet.. (
aku pernah cuti one whole semester for undisclosed reason)
I would like to congratulate him on his success earned the title vice cancellor.. gle ar kau mir! wa salute lu lah!
My classmates.. glamorosity ea sume! Nice!

Ye sememangnye pada mlm ni.. ramai yg melaram pakai mmg
santek-santek sume. Taknak kalah ok sumenye. I was juz wearing my suit je. Laki senang. On my left is Fida.. she looks cute isnt she? hehe. kecik je die.. Mlm tu die nmpk cantik coz biasenye die pakai tudung ngn baju kurung biase je gi kelas.. but that evening... rambut siap curl lg.. afta tis ade graduation night plak xtaulah ape kejutan bdak kelas aku buat plak pasni..

On my right is Cik Ieda Fazara.. Name sebenar mmg dah cam artist dah . yup kami pakai sedondon. kte byk similarity kan Ieda kan? Muke pon dekat2 same =)

Di bawah ni ialah MiMi.. ktorg pernah satu sem dlu.. pegi kelas same2... study same2.. she has worked very hard to earn 4flat last semester n first class again in result.. sbg kawan aku bangga ngn kau.. w/pon aku tak satu sem ngn die lg.. pointer die sket2 naik frm the very first semester! jase die dlu tumpang kan aku gi kelas ngn kau amat dihargai =) walaupon kami x sekelas lagi tp
sepupu die

gambar bwh)Ika.. satu kelas ngn aku.. dr segi penampilan mereka hampir serupe.. ala ala datin gitu..(on my right.. sepupu sepapat yg mmg due2 dpt anugerah dekan.

On my right again is ninakunina.. (
Liyana Arazmi.. kalo xsilap lah name panjang die tu)satu batch ngn aku gak tapi die dah abis dah sambung blaja kat KPTM KL together gether ngn Aya n Azmir.. comeyl kan rambut die.. aku temankan die n aya buat rambut k.. Aku tau kau frust ngn rambut kau nina.. faham sgt dah... xpelah ninakunina.. kau tetap cute cam biase ngn fringe dpn tu.. dr sem satu sampai skrg tetap maintain fringe tu..
ye mmg nmpk cam aku n zul cam bodyguard utk diorg yg tgh ni.. tp actually it 's a double wedding.. (gbot&ika... zul n me) haha. kau yg ckp ea zul.. aku tulis je..
Two frm left is my investment lecturer.. Miss Arfah.. die dtg je sergah aku bitau.. "Awak tak bitau saye ea awak dpt dekan" camne nk bitau miss... miss asyik dok sorg2 popet2 je.. xsempat sy nk ckp ape2.. lecturer aku ni tue setahun je dr aku.. hehe. suke je dtg kelas die coz kelas die paling bestn xboring sem ni!!!
This is my section (section 1) who have received this award.. ramaikan.. tp slack sorg je yg xde.. calon naib canselor.. Azfa.. sian die sakit xdpt dtg... xpe ktorang tetap meraikan utk kau Azfa!
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ReplyDeleteade iras2 zac efron ar huahua
ReplyDeleteaisey..gmbr model kite takde lak ea?hehehe